I normally install Gentoo by manually typing in stuff, on the target
machine, as per the docs.  This is painfull.  Today I decided to ssh
into the install, and cut + paste stuff into an ssh xterm into the
install.  This went flying along really fast until I went to emerge
after having updated make.conf.  I got a slew of weird errors.

  It turns out that make.conf was majorly butchered after I had done
some "simple" edits over ssh.  This seems to be a terminfo problem, so
it may apply to more than just nano.  But see...

  I don't understand the workings of terminfo so my 3-part question is...

1) Can I do an incantation on the laptop (install machine) to make it
understand my desktop's xterm?

2) Can I do an incantation on the desktop's xterm, or install another
terminal, to make its output understandable to the target machine?

3) Or do I have to pull the laptop onto my desk, and type in stuff
manually for everything nano-related during the install?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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