On 2020-09-30, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've found that syncing and updating once a week is generally good
> enough. Generally, a "eix-sync && emerge -uaDN world" does the job.

What Dale wrote above is important.  Gentoo works much better with
frequent updates.  I update several times a week (though I agree that
once a week is plenty good enough).  I find it's a good job to do
while in a "meeting": it very rarely requires any intervention, but I
think it's good to keep an eye on what it's doing.

If you wait many months between updates, things tend to get more
difficult, and you may have to futz with things to get updated
(e.g. remove a package or two, update, then reinstall the removed
packages). It's sometimes not obvious how to proceed.

If you wait a year or two, it's often less work to reinstall from
scratch than it is to figure out how to get through all the pending


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