Hello, Alan.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 13:24:34 -0500, Alan Grimes wrote:
> First, my 3960x nearly melted the last few days, my cooling loop had run
> almost dry. (apparent boil off...) root cause appears to be some kind of
> chemical issue with my coolant that had resulted in the waterblock being
> almost completely clogged preventing it from doing anything but getting
> red hot, (north of 105C !!) so PSA = CHECK YOUR WATER LOOPS!!!

So, you got a water block in your waterblock.  I'm sure that's not as
funny as it sounds.

> Anyway, I cleaned and flushed it at least enough to get it running again.

It's good you noticed it in time to stop your machine melting.

> Since I rebooted for the first time in a month+, I need to update my
> packages.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

> One of the fails I'm getting is a bunch of packages looking for
> libgit2.so.1.0,   Ofcourse we now have libgit2.so.1.1

> Who in god's name requires a specific minor version of a package!?!?!?!
> Pure madness!!!

There is madness in Linux!  But I think ....so.1.1 can be functonally
different from ....so.1.0.  It's in the third digit where only bug fixes
etc., are allowed.  Something like ....so.1.0.1 may not have a different
functionality to ....so.1.0.0.

> My much bigger problem is:

> atg@tortoise ~ $ chromium
> chromium-browser: error while loading shared libraries: libre2.so.8:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> atg@tortoise ~ $

> So I tried to 'emptytree chromium' and got hit by the libgit2 problem in
> librsvg, also hit it in a number of other packages... =\

Sometimes Gentoo can be fun.

> -- 
> The vaccine is a LIE. 
> #EggCrisis     
> The Great Reset
> Powers are not rights.

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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