On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 13:37:48 -0600, Dale wrote:

> >> First I've heard of a laptop having space for two hard drives.  I
> >> need to make a note of that.  Now one has reason to use labels on
> >> laptops too.  o_O   
> > You already have. what if you boot with a flash drive connected and
> > it is recognised first?
> I wasn't counting a external device.  I was just referring to internal
> hard drives.  I don't even put flash drives in the same category as a
> hard drive either, even tho they can get large.

Large in capacity but physically small. It's easy to reboot and not
realise you have a flash drive connected, which could possibly mess up
your drive naming.

Neil Bothwick

Men who have playful kittens shouldn't sleep in the nude.

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