On 10/30/05, Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally, If I think I'm helping someone, I don't care if they top or
> bottom post or post like you did below, middle posting I guess.  I certainly
> won't care if someone is helping me.

If you were asking for help, you might as well ask for it nicely. :)

> The one thing that confuses me is keeping up with who is who.  I'm awful at
> names.  I have to work at it to get my girlfriends name right.  I actually
> have it plastered on my monitor to remind me.  Just to be safe, I call her
> Sweety.  Don't get me wrong though, I love her dearly but I suck at names.
> I'm good at remembering faces though.  I may not know their name but I know
> I know them.  Confusing huh?

Bottom posting will help. :) As least it will help keeping everything
in context, you'll know exactly which paragraph I am answering.

> If someone wants me to reply on the bottom, say so, I'll scroll down and
> type away.  I'm not sweating this at all.  I find it sort of funny really.
> All this over where to type.  LOL, for those text users.  :-D  for those
> HTML users.

Yeah, mankind also had talks on where to pee, where to smoke, where to
have sex and stuff. Keep laughing mate.

-- Joe

There are 3 kinds of people in the world:
Those who can count, and those who can't.

Money can't buy everything.
Sometimes money can't even buy a gun...

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