>   On top of that Cyrillic letters like "m", "i", "c", and "o" are
> considered different from their English equivalants.  Security experts
> showed proof-of-cocept attacks where clicking on "microsoft.com" can
> take you to a hostile domain (queue the jokes).  

That's true, though registrars are filtering for it now. Also, I just checked, 
e.g. firefox always builds with unicode support (it would have trouble with a 
lot of websites otherwise).

(: ˙˙˙ǝpoɔᴉun sǝop oslɐ ʇuǝᴉlɔ lᴉɐɯ ɹnoʎ uǝɥʇ ¿sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ uɐɔ 'ʍʇq

> I don't speak or read
> or write any languages which have thousands of unique characters.
> Seeing Chinese spam "as it was intended to be seen", is not a priority
> for me.

Not even Klingon?!

Andreas K. Hüttel
Gentoo Linux developer 
(council, qa, toolchain, base-system, perl, libreoffice)

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