On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 11:45:02PM -0600, Matt Connell (Gmail) wrote:
> On Wed, 2021-01-20 at 00:33 -0500, Ionen Wolkens wrote:
> > It'd be fine but the proper way would be:
> > 
> > eselect python cleanup
> I pair this with "eselect python update" to make sure that the latest
> version is selected.  I've had fewer random portage complaints that
> way.

Messing with eselect python may not be relevant for much longer.

'python-exec-conf' package was added in ~testing that generates an
appropriate python-exec.conf

This prevents a python that's not in TARGETS from automatically being
default, and old deprecated implementations from staying (assuming run
etc-update anyway, like for anything else).

So most people will probably depclean eselect-python as it's not really
needed unless you have some preference (like pypy3).


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