On 1/29/21 10:40 AM, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
> On 1/29/21 10:12 AM, Matt Connell (Gmail) wrote:
>> On Fri, 2021-01-29 at 17:06 +0000, Michael wrote:
>>> what XFCE offers for mounting removable block devices and if 
>>> something is amiss with that.
>> Thelma,
>> I use XFCE as well.  I think (its been years since I set it up) what
>> you want is xfce-extra/thunar-volman to provide a "GUI file manager"
>> type of click-to-mount-a-device interface.
> Thank you for correcting me.  I reverse the setting in sudoers.
> I had the sys-fs/udisks and xfce-extra/thunar-volman installed so I enable in 
> XFCE under:
> - Removable Drivers and Media: --> Mount removable drives when hot-plugged.
> It solved the problem.

I'll revive this topic.  I have it working on one of my system but on my other 
(new system as well) auto-mounting in XFCE4 is not working,
I have in n XFCE under:
 - Removable Drivers and Media: --> Mount removable drives when hot-plugged 

user is in "wheel, usb" group.

When I plug the usb device the XFCE is trying to auto-mount the usb as the 
message is popping up but it keeps telling me: Authentication is required for 
mounting external /dev/sda1

Why it worked on one system but not on another?  
What is missing? 

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