On 2021-02-27, hitachi303 <gentoo-u...@konstantinhansen.de> wrote:
> Am 27.02.2021 um 14:08 schrieb Grant Edwards:
>> How do you determine why portage thinks a certain slot of a package
>> is required? None of the documentation I an find on portage discusses
>> finding packages dependent on particular slots.
> Have you tried #emerge -av --depclean =<atom> ?


That does it:

    # emerge -av --depclean =dev-lang/python-2.7.18-r6

    Calculating dependencies... done!
      dev-lang/python-2.7.18-r6 pulled in by:
        www-client/chromium-88.0.4324.182 requires 

I'm a bit surprised that 'equery d' is unable to figure that out.

The other option I found is to uninstall python:2.7, then do emerge
-auvNDt, and see why it's being re-installed, but that's a bit

And now that I know the answer it makes sense: the machines where
python 2.7 was removed by depclean don't have Chromium installed.


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