Qian Qiao wrote:

>You are not turning yourself upside down, and you don't have to. Not
>sending HTML and try not to top-post isn't that hard to do, almost
>everybody else on this list knows how to do that, and I don't see why
>you can't.
>-- Joe
Funny, I feel turned upside down.  I'm not everybody else either, I'm
me.  I like to help people but I don't want to change who I am to do it.

Is this better?  It should be text whatever, not HTML.  I'm getting to
where I don't want to reply at all.  Maybe I don't have enough to offer
here.  To be really honest, I have only ever used Mozilla mail for this
list and have no clue what you guys, and Holly, are talking about with
text only stuff.  I have never seen a command line email before.  I
built this rig about three years ago, my first computer that was mine,
and picked Linux over windoze.  I used to work on computers when windoze
came out and I changed careers.  I'm disabled, Linux is cheap, no
viruses and stable as it gets to boot.  I have not regretted picking
Linux but I have regretted some other things though, forums and such. 
I'm only 38 but maybe I'm to old for this stuff.  I thought this may be
better than the forums but maybe I was wrong.  I have been wrong before,
a lot.  Trusting Doctors was one time I was wrong for sure.

No HTML, if it works right.

:-)  <------ This ain't HTML is it?  I'm trying to smile anyway.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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