On 25/06/2021 09:46, Michael wrote:
On Friday, 25 June 2021 08:50:32 BST antlists wrote:
On 23/06/2021 10:11, jdm wrote:
On Mon, 21 Jun 2021 16:17:41 +0100

Michael <confabul...@kintzios.com> wrote:
On Monday, 21 June 2021 17:27:31 BST Wols Lists wrote:
What happens when you get to the end of the handbook?

I want to get a working Wayland setup with a (multi-user) graphical
login. When I set my old system up ($DEITY knows how long ago) I
seem to remember a page on setting up X, and all sorts of stuff.

Now, you seem to get dumped at working tty1 prompt, and then the
*helpful* documentation JUST STOPS. It doesn't even point you at
anything! (Yes it points you at the portage page about how to
maintain your system, but that isn't much use if you can't DO
anything with the system...)

I've found the page on Wayland, but it just says "set this use flag
and install two packages".

Where's the documentation that tells me what I need, and how to set
it up, please ...


Have you tried using a Display Manager?  Some of my systems won't
work with Wayland, but I haven't spent time to find out why all I get
with them is a black screen.

Anyway, from a VT you'd run something like:

XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland


XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session gnome-session

There is a wayland greeter which uses greetd and gtkgreet which may
be worth looking at and there is a gentoo wiki which goes a long with
it. It works with wayfire which is a nice wayland window manager and is
very reliable.

Also look at https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Wayland_Desktop_Landscape

Thanks, but I'm none the wiser ... the thing is, for X the instructions
are simple - "install xorg, run startx".

Okay, I've done that and got errors I need to solve, but with Wayland I
just don't have a clue. I don't know what I need, I don't know how to
start it, all I've got is a pile of bits in a box, and I don't know what
to do with them.

Everything I find is like a meccano set - there's loads of bits and
pieces, but no instructions, and I don't have a clue how they fit
together. Where's the recipe that says "do this this and this and you
should have a gui"?


 From what I recall as long as you set USE="wayland" globally and re-emerge
world with '--changed-use' you should able to launch your dekstop in wayland,
rather than Xserver.


There is a caveat, to make things simple: your desktop environment should have
full support for wayland compositing - e.g. Plasma and Gnome come ready baked
with their own compositor and will run in Wayland.  Window managers which do
not possess a compositor will require one installed separately, as noted in
jdm's post, but then we're getting into a box with a pile of bits in it.

To launch wayland you can either install a Display Manager and select to start
wayland from its GUI options, instead of X11, or you can run the stanzas I
provided above.

Bear in mind my profile is desktop/plasma/systemd ...

This is very informative, but it blows up on me ... I've checked that wayland is in my use flags so that should all be okay ...

# XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland
... startplasma-wayland not found ...

# emerge qtgreet
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "qtgreet".

So you've massively helped in that I now know much better how things fit together, but unfortunately you've also been no help at all in that the stuff you've pointed at doesn't work ...

Where do I go from here ...


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