Dale wrote:
> Dale wrote:
>> Dale wrote:
>>> Dale wrote:
>>>> Dale wrote:
>>>>> Jack wrote:
>>>>>> Is it possible it was still syncing cache out to the physical drive? 
>>>>>> I wonder if iotop would show any activity for that drive if that's the
>>>>>> case?
>>>>>> Jack
>>>>> I may try that next time but the light had stopped blinking for several
>>>>> minutes.  Since it is a SMR drive, I always leave it running until I
>>>>> can't feel the heads bumping around.  I don't think it would be that
>>>>> but, it's worth a try. It may lead to something. 
>>>>> Will update when it does it again. 
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> :-)  :-) 
>>>> I had to wait until I was doing backups again to try anything.  The 6TB
>>>> drive did fine.  The 8TB drive is giving the in use error.  The drive is
>>>> unmounted but iotop didn't show anything and the light isn't blinking
>>>> either.  I'd think if it was flushing cache the light would flash and it
>>>> would not umount. 
>>>> I tried the udev-trigger trick but it didn't work.  I don't know how
>>>> long it will stay 'in use' so if anyone has ideas, think and type fast. 
>>>> If not, may have to wait until next time to try again.
>>>> Dale
>>>> :-)  :-) 
>>> Some more info:
>>> root@fireball / # lvs
>>>   LV     VG     Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log
>>> Cpy%Sync Convert
>>>   Home2  Home2  -wi-ao----
>>> <12.74t                                                   
>>>   swap   OS     -wi-ao---- 
>>> 12.00g                                                   
>>>   usr    OS     -wi-ao---- 
>>> 35.00g                                                   
>>>   var    OS     -wi-ao---- 
>>> 52.00g                                                   
>>>   backup backup -wi-ao----
>>> 698.63g                                                   
>>> root@fireball / # vgs
>>>   VG     #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize    VFree 
>>>   Home2    2   1   0 wz--n-  <12.74t      0
>>>   OS       1   3   0 wz--n- <124.46g <25.46g
>>>   backup   1   1   0 wz--n-  698.63g      0
>>> root@fireball / # pvs
>>>   PV         VG     Fmt  Attr PSize    PFree 
>>>   /dev/sda7  OS     lvm2 a--  <124.46g <25.46g
>>>   /dev/sdb1  Home2  lvm2 a--    <5.46t      0
>>>   /dev/sdc1  Home2  lvm2 a--    <7.28t      0
>>>   /dev/sdd1  backup lvm2 a--   698.63g      0
>>> root@fireball / # cryptsetup close 8tb
>>> Device 8tb is still in use.
>>> root@fireball / #
>>> As you can see, lvm doesn't even show the device but it is still under
>>> /dev as tho it is available.  Weird. 
>>> I found this but at the end, the command doesn't help me.  I'm not sure
>>> why.  It does talk about using LUKS on top of LVM causing this problem. 
>>> Since the fix doesn't work, is this a different problem??
>>> https://linux-blog.anracom.com/tag/device-still-in-use/
>>> I've tried every command I can find and it still shows busy.  I even
>>> restarted udev and lvm.  Still busy. 
>>> Ideas?
>>> Dale
>>> :-)  :-) 
>> Found another tidbit of info that may shed some light on this problem. 
>> I'm not sure what it means tho.
>> root@fireball / # lsblk
>> <<<SNIP>>>
>> sdj                 8:144  1   7.3T  0 disk 
>> └─sdj1              8:145  1   7.3T  0 part 
>>   └─8tb           254:5    0   7.3T  0 crypt /mnt/8tb
>> sr0                11:0    1  1024M  0 rom  
>> root@fireball / #
>> So, something called crypt seems to have it open.  Now how do I tell it
>> to go away?  Hmmmm.  Then I came up with this idea:
>> root@fireball / # ps aux | grep crypt
>> root       493  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   Jun13   0:00 [cryptd]
>> root     11509  0.0  0.0   7728  2448 pts/2    S+   00:30   0:00 grep
>> --colour=auto crypt
>> root     23667  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   Jun20   0:00
>> [kcryptd_io/254:]
>> root     23668  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   Jun20   0:00
>> [kcryptd/254:5]
>> root     23669  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    Jun20   0:00
>> [dmcrypt_write/2]
>> root@fireball / #
>> So kcryptd is the offender it seems since it matches MAJ:MIN info.  I
>> assume that is kernel related not KDE.  Can I just kill that process? 
>> Will it do damage if I kill it or is there a better way? 
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-) 
> After staring at it a while, it hit me that lsblk is showing it as still
> mounted, even tho I umounted already without error.  So, I just ran the
> umount command again.  After that, it closed just fine.  So, it seems to
> be mounted twice, not once.  I mount using this command 'mount /mnt/8tb'
> which uses fstab to mount the correct UUID device to that mount point. 
> Surely it only mounts once.  Always has in the past.  So why is it being
> mounted twice now?  None of my scripts used for backups includes any
> mounting commands.  There's also only one entry in fstab as well. 
> Anyone have any idea while it gets mounted twice?  Does the cryptsetup
> open command mount it in some way and then I mount it manually as well??
> When I opened it just now, it didn't show anything as mounted.  So it
> doesn't appear to be the open command.  What else could it be??
> Ideas? 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

The same drive just did it again.  I had to reboot to get it to reset. 
This is Linux not windoze.  Rebooting to reset something like that is
plain ridiculous.  I also checked, this time it was mounted only once. 
When I tried to umount it again, it said it wasn't mounted.  The thing
that really gets me, nothing can tell me what it is that is using the
device.  It says it is in use but no clue what it is using it. 

To test a theory, I changed fstab to mount by label instead of UUID. 
Maybe that will change something.  I dunno.  I do know, if this doesn't
improve soon, I'm going to erase the drive and either find another
encryption tool or just not encrypt it at all.  I'm not rebooting every
time this thing wants to act ugly.  I'm used to rebooting like every 6
months or so.  Usually when the power fails. 

If anyone has any ideas, please post.  In the meantime, I'm going to try
this mounting by label idea. 


:-)  :-)

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