antlists wrote:
> On 26/09/2021 13:36, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
>>> Sure enough, the patch was succesful. Unfortunately, I cannot test it,
>>> because my computer is out of luck (big thunderstorm, crappy power
>>> provider, not-so-smart owner).
>> I'm sorry to hear it.  I'm sure you've done it already, but get a decent
>> backup from that machine somehow while it is still even partly working.
> Sounds like the drive is fine, but of course the question is "for how
> long? ..."
> When you rebuild it, get a surge protector and then put a UPS behind
> that ... snag is that's all extra expense :-(
> Cheers,
> Wol

I agree with that advise.  When I built my first system, I bought a UPS
a couple months later.  While most UPS's have a lot of surge protection
built in, I do have additional surge protection at the wall plug and I
also have a whole house surge protector in the breaker box as well.  I
make sure the light is green often, mostly check after a bad storm.
Having protection against momentary drops in either voltage or just a
outright outage for a few seconds or longer gives a lot of protection. 
File systems like to be unmounted and power failures are not good.  Most
file systems are good at recovering from problems but it does have risk.

After buying a UPS and other protections, I've had very few problems
that come from power issues.  The biggest problem I have is the
batteries in the UPS going bad and me not knowing it, even tho the UPS
is supposed to alert me of that.  Most computer power supplies can
handle a lot but having that protection outside the computer is best. 
Often, it is cheaper than a computer too.

If I had to pick one thing to protect my computer, it would be a UPS. 
It protects from most all the problems a computer can have with power. 
Protects against surges, brownouts and complete loss of power. 
Additional protection adds more protection but a UPS is a really good
start.  Even a small one that can only run a few minutes offers a lot. 

Just something to think on. 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  I have a CyberPower UPS.  There are a lot of good brands out
there tho. 

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