Howdy all,

Over the years, I've been very lucky with regard to spam emails.  I'd
get a few here and there but not enough to even annoy me slightly
really.  A few months ago, something changed that.  I suspect someone I
set up a account with shared my email address and got the ball rolling. 
Now, I get around 100 more or less depending on the day.  I've made use
of what appears to be legit unsub links but they still keep coming. 
I've googled to see if there is someone I can report them to but it
seems there isn't one, that I can find anyway. 

What do others do with spam to minimize it?  I'm considering setting up
another email address and switching then closing current account.  Yea,
it's that annoying.  Is there someone I can report them too?  Is there
something I'm not recognizing in the message headers that I can use to
report them too?

By the way, I have dovecote set up and the service seems to start.  What
do I do after getting the service to start to set up where to get email

Thanks to all for thoughts or ideas.


:-)  :-) 

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