Julien Roy wrote:
> This is exactly what happened to me. I unknowingly bought SMR drives
> (I didn't know the difference, but the drives were "RAID" rated,
> whatever that means. SMR drives obviously aren't "RAID" anything.)
> Well, when was the time to expand my RAID, it wouldn't work.
> Needless to say, I will not be buying any product from WD anymore.
> Julien

>From my understanding, it wasn't just WD.  I don't think any of them
alerted people as to what they were getting.  I recently bought a WD and
will again because I could have easily bought a Seagate or any other
brand that was SMR without knowing it.  WD just so happened to be the
first one I found with a good price is all. 

Still, I don't like that any of them pulled this stealth release tho. 
For most, it most likely didn't matter but for some, it was a disaster. 
Possibly a costly disaster at that. 

We learned tho.


:-)  :-) 

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