I'm retired, and as a hobby I abstract the daily Ontario COVID
stats and post them on DSLReports, e.g.
https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r33351227-   Gnumeric's "export
graph as image option" has pain-in-the-butt defaults...

  1) When exporting the first image during a gnumeric session its
settings default to "Auto by extension" and 150 pixels per inch.  I
have to change it to 96 pixels per inch.

  2) The second and subsequent exports will default to "SVG (Vector
Graphics)" and the pixels per inch will stay at whatever I set it to
the previous image, i.e. 96.

  Is there any way to set the defaults to something saner?  Preferably
"Auto by extension" and 96 pixels per inch so I don't have to do extra
keystrokes every export?  I "asked Mr. Google", but nothing helpful.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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