On 3/18/22 21:16, tastytea wrote:
On 2022-03-18 20:53+0100 n952162 <n952...@web.de> wrote:

On 3/18/22 20:40, Matthias Hanft wrote:
n952162 schrieb:
I rent a low-cost virtual server in the cloud.  The platform
offers me some choices in linux distributions, but I'm wondering
if I can compile gentoo to run on it.  Anybody have experience
doing this?
Yes.  I have a Remote Console using a Java Applet (via VPN) where I
can select an ISO image on my local disk (also for boot).  So the
Gentoo installation was just as straight forward as at home - no

The prerequisite is, of course, that the provider does offer a
Remote Console and the ISO option.  I was lucky enough :-)


You booted the minimal install ISO and went through the steps of
partitioning the disk, network, etc?

I was thinking that there were special drivers necessary for the
virtual devices offered by the platform.  Maybe even proprietary....

Maybe I don't understand it correctly.
Most providers just use the virtualization that is built into the Linux
kernel, the same QEMU/KVM that you can setup yourself with libvirt. You
need to select some VIRTIO drivers but that's about the only difference
to a “normal” system. As far as I know sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel{,-bin}
has everything needed built in.

See also <https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/QEMU/Linux_guest#Guest>.

Good link, thank  you.

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