Glad it's solved, but you missed one point of picking it up a bit earlier.  Notes below:

On 3/25/22 05:31, Peter Humphrey wrote:
I went through Jack's points one by one and answered each of them as I went. I
got almost to the end before finding the answer. Jump straight to the end if
you just want to see the fix, or read on for the detail.

On Thursday, 24 March 2022 16:40:05 GMT Jack wrote:
On 2022.03.24 05:55, Peter Humphrey wrote:
On Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:43:49 GMT Peter Humphrey wrote:
I'm about to try pavu[...] as you suggested.
No dice. All that does is to allow me to set where I want each sound
source to be sent, plus a few details. I still hear nothing, and pavumeter
shows nothing being output.

I still can't escape the conclusion that something in my home
directory is interfering with sound output.
Just to confirm -
Ok, I'm looking at pavucontrol now.

pavucontrol shows the sound device as properly enabled on the Configuration
Yes. The USB device, Unitek Y-247A, is enabled and the other two devices are
No problem here, but some devices show several possible outputs, such as speakers and/or mic in use, or just two channels or higher comibnations.

shows the correct output port for the device on the Output Devices tab,
Yes: the output port is shown as Speakers.

and shows the sound source being sent to the right device on the Playback
tab (with volumes up)
It shows System Sounds* at 100% volume, no matter what I select in the lower
right corner. The options there are All Streams, Applications and Virtual
Streams. I don't see an output device on this tab.
If pavucontrol were not new to you, you would have noticed that there was no section there for Firefox.  That tab shows a section for every application generating and sending sound to pulseaudio, along with which output device that sound is being sent to.  Not seeing Firefox here, I would have first restarted the Firefox output, then restarted Firefox itself, and then restarted pulseaudio.  In your case, I don't know if either of the first two would have helped or not.

but still no sound from the speakers?
No sound at all.

Do any of the sound meters show any apparent activity?
Pavumeter shows Front Left and Front Right, with no activity on either. It
correctly shows Analog Stereo going to the Y-247A.

Can you see any difference between the pavucontrol
display as youurself and as the user for whom sound does work?
*  The new user sees Firefox Stream as well as System Sounds on the Playback
tab. When I logged back in as myself immediately after trying that, I got an
anonymous error box - and heard its announcing beep! - saying Connection
Failed: Connection Refused. (Screen shot attached. Does anyone know where
errors like this are generated?)
That second icon in the upper left looks to me (squinting a bit) like it might be a life saver ring buoy, but that doesn't help me in guessing what generated it.  Did you find anything in dmesg or /var/log/messages?

I would guess that if it is something in your home directory, it is
most likely a configuration setting, probably under .local or .config.
I see several files under ~/.config/pulse.  You might try moving those
elsewhere and restarting pulse ("pulseaudio -k" then restart
Lo! and behold! BBC Radio 3 bursts forth!


Huge relief, and similarly huge thanks to Jack and all others who've helped.
Now I can go and watch those lectures from Gresham College that have bee
queueing up.

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