Am Donnerstag, 21. April 2022, 14:49:24 CEST schrieb Dex Conner:
> Hi everyone,
> So I've found a Thinkpad X200 online and I'm thinking of buying it for
> libreboot purposes. Do you think the P8600 cpu can handle all the
> compiling on gentoo? For the record, I don't have any of the "big stuff"
> like KDE, GNOME, Firefox (all I have is Tor Browser [which I don't
> compile], dwl and some terminal programs like neomutt and profanity).
> Surely, I wouldn't be spending 5 hours to do small upgrades,
> right?..right?

Do you have some more powerful machine in the background? If yes, you can 
either create binary packages on this machine and only install them on your 
laptop, or use distcc for moving the big compilation tasks to this other 
Using binary packages, I can still use a Lenovo SL510, which seems to have 
similar properties regarding CPU and RAM than the X200, with all desktop 
programs, including full KDE/plasma, Firefox, libreoffice, etc. 


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