On 27/04/2022 16:18, Rich Freeman wrote:
On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:22 AM Grant Edwards
<grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Is there any advantage (either to me or the Gentoo community) to
continue to use rsync and the rsync pool instead of switching the
rest of my machines to git?

I've been very impressed with the reliability and speed of sync
operations using git they never take more than a few seconds.
With git you might need to occasionally wipe your repository to delete
history if you don't want it to accumulate (I don't think there is a
way to do that automatically but if you can tell git to drop history
let me know).

Look into "git pack". It won't get rid of old versions, but I think it compresses all the old stuff. But once the repository has been packed, I gather it's normal for the old packed stuff to take up less space than the current stuff.


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