On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 13:00:13 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:26:13 BST Michael wrote:
> > On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:17:32 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > > Indeed, and I've now replaced the speakers, the 3.5mm cable and the USB
> > > dongle - every sound component is new. When I tested it yesterday in the
> > > plasma control panel, I heard one "front left", very loud, and then
> > > nothing. I thought some BT stuff must still be lying around somewhere,
> > > so
> > > I've installed a new system from scratch, using a kernel .config from
> > > before I started with BT, and today I still hear no sound.
> > > 
> > > This seems like witchcraft now.
> > 
> > Before you start ritual exorcisms, have you checked you are using the
> > correct 3.5mm jack and it is inserted properly?  See below:
> I thought of the easy check, eventually. I booted into Windows 10 and was
> immediately greeted with its bing-bong-bong sound - over the 3.5mm jack
> connection.
> So now I just have to find out what's wrong with my plasma sound system.

In the late 90s early 00s I had a Compaq laptop which occasionally will fail 
to produce any audio output.  Booting into Windows would on its own unlock the 
audio and allow me to enjoy my audio card on Linux once more, until the next 

I never bottomed out what was causing this, but I developed a theory of a 
dodgy Linux alsa driver which would trip over itself when it tried to 
initialise the audio device and an always-working-as-intended MSWindows audio 

Anyway, isn't pulseaudio being replaced by the Pipewire framework?  I 
understand Pipewire is meant to work better with BT audio and A2DP codecs, but 
I don't know how well it works on Plasma.

I haven't installed pulseaudio on this PC, but pipewire seems to be running on 
a Plasma desktop:

$ ps axf | grep -i pipe
 4274 tty8     Sl+    0:00                  |   \_ /usr/bin/pipewire
 4275 tty8     Sl+    0:00                  |   \_ /usr/bin/pipewire -c 
15917 pts/1    S+     0:00      \_ grep -E --colour=auto --color=auto -i pipe

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