On Mon, 01 Aug 2022 07:58:05 +0100, Michael wrote:

> 1. It used to be the case the first time you run git it would try to
> download GB of commits history and take ages to do so on a slow
> connection.  The solution used to be to add "EGIT_CLONE_TYPE=shallow"
> in your make.conf, but I'm not sure if this is still needed (I don't
> use git).

It doesn't seem to be the case, running sync with an empty portage tree

>>> Syncing repository 'gentoo' into '/var/portage'...
/usr/bin/git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/gentoo-mirror/gentoo .

% du /var/portage
608M    /var/portage

It did take 32s, but most of that was the Performing Global Updates stage.

Neil Bothwick

"A hundred years of forgetting and it all comes rushing back..."

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