On 8/25/22 08:52, Rich Freeman wrote:
On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 8:43 AM Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
I've already got data on the drive now with the default settings so it
is to late for the moment however, I expect to need to add drives
later.  Keep in mind, I use LVM which means I grow file systems quite
often by adding drives.  I don't know if that grows inodes or not.  I
suspect it does somehow.
It does not.  It just means that if you want to reformat it you have
to reformat all the drives in the LVM logical volume.  :)

As I remember, if you enlarge a logical volume by adding a new physical volume, you then have to expand the filesystem to use that additional space.  Looking at resize2fs, it does increase the number of inodes, but only linearly in proportion to the amount of increased size.  I don't see any way to tell it to decrease, or even just not increase, the number of inodes.

Related question - how much space would you actually save by decreasing the number of inodes by 90%?  Enough for one or two more videos?

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