Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 12/11/2022 23:37, Dale wrote:
>> Usually, I try to update about once a year.  I don't change hardware
>> much.
> The main reason I suggested LTS is because that, *when* you decide to
> do a @world update, you will get the latest LTS of the same main
> version you're already using. For example you'll go from 5.15.20 to
> 5.15.78. And that means you won't have to bother with an array of
> endless "make oldconfig" questions. There'll be like one or two at
> most, which is trivial to deal with.
> I've been using LTS kernels for years now, and I never looked back.
> "make oldconfig" usually doesn't say anything, making it a
> ridiculously fast and no-brainer update, and yet I get the latest
> bugfixes and security fixes.
> It just works :-)

Thing is, I may go a year, sometimes more, without updating the kernel. 
If I rebooted often, I could see using a LTS kernel.  If a kernel can
run for months with no problems, it's stable enough for me.  Plus my
hardware works.

I have even built a kernel but never actually booted it.  By the time I
get around to rebooting, I've had to build another kernel.  I generally
always work from a known stable config tho.  The only reason I wouldn't
is if I build a new system and have to start from scratch.  I've also
had times when I had to update because my video drivers wouldn't build
with a older kernel version that I'm running.  That doesn't happen to
often but I recall running into that at least once. 

Either way, biggest question was if there was some known breakage
between my old version and a newer version.  Maybe the one I tried just
had some weird problem that only affected me or I just missed something
during the oldconfig.  I wish I could recall the error.  Who knows on



:-)  :-) 

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