On Friday, 9 December 2022 08:27:18 GMT Wol wrote:
> On 09/12/2022 00:45, Dale wrote:
> > I even remember when 512KBs of ram was a big deal.  I also remember
> > having expansion cards that would add a few MBs of ram.  Jeez I'm
> > getting old.  o_O  We talk about TBs like they are nothing.  My first
> > puter was a old Vic-20.  4Kbs of ram it had.  I played music on that
> > thing and freaked my Dad out.  ROFL
> I remember those things. About 16 MB per platter. I remember my work
> buying a 300MB drive (19 platters in a disk pack, the size of a washing
> machine) for our multi-user mini that served the entire company with
> 256KB of ram ...

Latest in the willy-waving contest: in the 1970s the national grid was 
monitored and analysed with a Ferranti Argus 500 machine with 24KB RAM and a 
2MB disk. It was common for American visitors to believe that was just driving 
the control engineers' displays, and where was the main computer?

24-bit assembler code. Those were the days - some of my very best. No concept 
of a file or a file-system.


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