On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 2:30 PM Frank Steinmetzger <war...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Am Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 01:07:43PM -0600 schrieb Dale:
> > Mostly, I need a better CPU.  If I encrypt anyway.
> Did you ever tell us the exact CPU you have in there? All I can remember is
> it has 4 cores. And some AMD processor with a II in its name, but that was
> you main rig, right?

What encryption algorithm are you using?  You should see if this is
hardware-accelerated in the kernel for your CPU, or if not if there is
another strong algorithm which is.  Most newer CPUs will tend to have
hardware support for algorithms like AES, and the kernel will use
this.  This will greatly improve CPU performance.

I've run into this issue with zfs on Raspberry Pis.  ZFS does the
encryption internally, and the openzfs code didn't have support for
ARM hardware encryption the last time I checked (this could have
changed).  I found that dm-crypt works MUCH better on Pis as a result,
as the kernel does have ARM encryption hardware support.

Again, this all depends on the algorithm.  If you're using something
exotic odds are the hardware won't handle it natively.


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