Jack wrote:
> On 1/28/23 05:35, Peter Humphrey wrote:
>> On Saturday, 28 January 2023 09:17:35 GMT Michael wrote:
>>> Since my coding ability is even worse than Dale's I join him in kindly
>>> asking for a maintainer/dev to take it on and keep it running.
>> I too am finding it hard to imagine life without gkrellm. I think it
>> needs more
>> than just a maintainer though - it needs a replacement for upstream
>> as well.
> I"m actually the one who first heard that the original maintainer had
> died.  (I had written to him about some support issue, and got a
> belated reply from his brother.)  Upstream is not dead at all, the
> activity level is just fairly low.  I tried to post to -dev, but my
> message never got through, not sure if it's because I'm not a dev or I
> made some other error in sending.  The homepage is at
> htttps://gkrellm.srcbox.net with source at
> https://git.srcbox.net/gkrellm/gkrellm.
> The main problem is that is still uses gtk+2.  They do have an open
> issue about that, but most of the discussion has been on why it would
> be so hard to upgrade.  There is apparently a lot of fairly low-level
> graphics stuff going on, and Bill himself (the original maintainer)
> said something like the conversion to gkt+3 would be difficult, but to
> go to gtk+4 (I have no idea how far off this is) would essentially be
> a re-write.
> Jack

So whoever takes it over will have some serious work to do in the short
term and even more work in the future.  I hope upstream is able to keep
gkrellm alive.  It sounds like quite a task. 

I'm glad to hear that upstream is still alive, even if moving slowly. 
Maybe they working on a rewrite but not saying anything publicly.  Hey,
if we gonna hope, hope big.  ;-) 

Thanks for this info.  Maybe there is hope.  I just hope they cancel the
last rites too. 


:-)  :-) 

P.S.  They did last rites on Gnome mplayer ages ago.  I still have the
thing installed and use it quite often.  I use smplayer for watching on
my TV but use Gnome player to watch something on my puter monitor,
usually something short.  Even tho it is removed from the tree, it still
works.  Every once in a while I run up on a new video with some encoding
Gnome mplayer doesn't support.  I use QMplayer2 as a backup.  I guess
gkrellm would work for a while if it was removed.  It may even compile
for a while to, for those who put a ebuild in a local overlay to install. 

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