On Thu, 2023-03-02 at 23:53 -0500, efeizbudak wrote:
> > Doesn't this sort of defeat the purpose of using pass? I mean if
> > it's
> > always decryptable then is it really useful to have it encrypted in
> > the first place (assuming you have full disk encryption set up)?

Yes and no.

Yes in the sense that a rouge piece of software or a bad human actor
could execute `pass $path` and acquire the given secrets, so long as
the gpg-agent is holding the provided password.

No in the sense of that the file itself (remember pass stores
individual files for each secret) is still encrypted at rest. That is
to say, unless someone or some software is specifically looking for
gpg-encrypted files and knows how to use gpg or pass, they cannot
access the data.

The original point I was trying to make (in the previous message) is
that usability and security are always going to compromise one another,
and it is up to each of us to decide where the right balance lies.
Since I don't consider local malware a legitimate threat, my concerns
are limited to bad human actors.  Working from home, and locking my
computers when leaving them, gpg-agent being unlocked for eight hours
after the start of the work day is sufficient security.

People who use gnome-keyring (myself included!) probably don't think
twice about the fact that the keyring gets unlocked *once* and stays
unlocked until the user's session ends.  Heck some of my sessions can
last *months* on some machines.  Sure, most of us have rigged it up to
use a pam library, but the the situations parallel.  The access agent
is still "unlocked" for long periods of time, while the data on disk
remains encrypted at rest.

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