230520 Michael wrote:
> On Saturday, 20 May 2023 10:54:21 BST Nuno Silva wrote:
>> On 2023-05-20, Michael wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 20 May 2023 07:59:59 BST Philip Webb wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to install Gentoo in my new machine
>>>> & have got to the step of compiling a kernel.
>>>> I used the config file from my present machine, did 'make oldconfig'
>>>> & have then done 'make menuconfig' to include drivers etc.
>>>> The 'make' stage goes on for a long time, then crashes doing
>>>> 'UPD drivers/base/firmware_loader/builtin/rtl_nic/rtl8168g-2.fw.gen.S'
>>>> with message "make [5] *** No rule to make target
>>>> 'lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168g-2.fw' needed by
>>>> 'drivers/base/firmware_loader/ builtin/rtl_nic/rtl8168g-2.fw.gen.o'
>>>> Stop".
>>>> The relevant line in Menuconfig is 'DeviceDrivers > NetworkDeviceSupport
>>>> >
>>>> EthernetDriverSupport' under 'Realtek devices'.
>>>> I've tried it with 'Realtek8169/8168/...' 'Y' or 'M' or 'N'
>>>> & also with 'Realtek devices' as 'N'.  I also tried a 'make clean'.
>>>> The same error goes on happening.
>>>> Since I don't have anything by Realtek for networking
>>>> -- sound uses Realtek -- , I can't understand the behaviour above.
>>> The compilation complains it is missing the firmware required by a realtek
>>> NIC, probably a setting inherited from the config settings of the old
>>> kernel? You eventually compiled it with "N".  I suspect the order in
>>> which you configured/compiled it plays a role in this error.
>>> Since you do not have this hardware, set it to "N", then run:
>> Could this be the manually defined list of firmware blobs to include in
>> the kernel image, and not something automatically pulled in by a driver?
>> I'm not sure what's the quickest way to check, perhaps this works?:
>>     grep CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE /usr/src/linux/.config
> This will not resolve the problem of a missing firmware file.
> It is missing in the filesystem.

The problem was 'make oldconfig', which used a  5 year-old  .config .
For some reason, the resulting  .config  insisted on installing
the Realtek driver, which wasn't available.

I cut the Gordian knot by moving the other  .config's  out of the way
& doing a raw 'make menuconfig'.  Then the kernel compiled.
If it needs further tweaking, esp for missing drivers, I can do it later.

It's too late to do further steps today,
so we'll see what happens when I try booting from the new kernel.

Thanks for the various pieces of help.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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