On 19/04/2024 17:02, Peter Humphrey wrote:
On Tuesday, 9 April 2024 14:23:31 BST I wrote:

Just reporting back.

I built a new system - using NetworkManager (after all I've said about it!) -
now that it's so much quicker using binpkgs.

It all went fairly smoothly, taking one step at a time through changing
several USE flags, installing various tools, and finally, adding the new wlan0
interface to shorewall.

The machine can now boot with either wired or wireless network, or both.

Thank you, all who helped.

Any chance you can document those steps? I'm struggling to get wireless working on my laptop - the statement in the handbook

> Wireless networking on Linux is usually pretty straightforward. There are three ways of configuring wifi: graphical clients, text-mode interfaces, and command-line interfaces.

just seems to be complete rubbish :-(

As far as I can tell, my kernel is bringing up the hardware fine - dmesg tells me my wireless interface has come up fine with iwlwifi, and has been renamed from wlan0 to wlo1. Network manager detects the ethernet connection but can't even see the wireless connection.

Ummm ... of course, sod has just struck, I've rebooted, started Network Manager (which I thought I'd uninstalled) and wonder of wonders I have internet!

But some documentation would certainly be appreciated.


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