That's a pretty defeatist way of looking at it :P.
FIrefox seems to work just fine on every other X running desktop,
including a fellow Gentoo'er friend of mind;
Not to mention that simply stop using the application cos X has a bug
is, well, far out.

I'll go ahead with the mass recompile, I guess.
(PS. Opera 8.5 is waaay laggy for some reason and I like my extensions)

On 08/11/05, Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Phill MV schreef:
> > Every now and then, usually while doing something related to firefox
> > ( mozilla-firefox-1.0.7-r2) but it's also happened when someone sent
> > me a file over MSN in gaim (gaim-1.5.0), my copy of xorg-x11-6.8.2-r4
> > will lock up and refuse all interaction.
> >
> > All windows stop responding; xmms keeps playing; keyboard locks up
> > and the mouse, although free to wiggle around won't cross from one
> > screen to another. Logging in from another machine over SSH, top
> > reveals that X is occupying 90-something% of the CPU; killing
> > individual applications like firefox or xmms doesn't do anything but
> > killing X gives me back a working, functional login screen.
> >
> > This is, as you might imagine, amazingly annoying. For whatever
> > reason, it'll happen when I click specific links in Firefox (i.e. my
> > professor's labs & assignments link) <snip>
> Before going further, let me say that I agree that X is becoming a real
> annoyance. I'm at this very moment upgrading to the unstable version
> (6.8.2-r6, not the masked pre-7.0 versions; I'm not that desperate :-) )
> to see if it helps.
> That said, this would seem to be an interaction between 'problems with
> X' and 'problems with Firefox' (we've had discussions of the increasing
> memory usage of Firefox lately-- it may well be that both these sets of
> issues are manageable on their own, but together, Firefox becomes the
> straw that breaks the back of X.
> So try using another web browser for a while. I myself like Galeon for
> my alternate browser, but there's Epiphany, Dillo, Konqueror (of
> course), kazehakase, w3m, amaya, skipstone, and of course the text-based
> browsers such as links, lynx and so on. I would avoid Mozilla, because
> it's about the only thing that could possibly be yet more bloated than
> Firefox is becoming.
> In any case, see if the problem persists when using another browser; if
> it doesn't, then at least you can do your work, if it does, perhaps
> we'll get more information as to what is going wrong.
> Hope this helps,
> Holly
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