Philip Webb schreef:
> 051109 Holly Bostick wrote:
>> Can someone tell me on what basis this *needs* to be done as a
>> standard operation?  Not getting it at all. How many kernels does
>> one keep in a bootable state, anyway -- and use commonly, without
>> needed external modules, no less -- that this would be necessary? 
>> Really, truly, not getting the point.
> Switching kernels is not like using a different browser or editor. I
> now have 2.6.14 working ok (still ~x86), but am keeping 2.6.12 & (may
> be soon to go) 2.6.9 around in case something unexpected happens with
> 2.6.14 . However, if I want to use 2.6.12 , I will have to recompile
> Nvidia

Why? It wasn't compiled the first time? And while I'm willing to accept
that it wasn't, for the sake of argument, having to redirect the symlink
*once* (to 2.6.12) in order to recompile the nVidia modules does not
indicate that the symlink needs to be redirected at boot, every boot.

Secondly, you're *using* 2.6.14, and you're keeping 2.6.12 around as a
fallback. It's very unlikely you're going to actually boot into 2.6.9,
and while you may boot into 2.6.12, you are not in fact doing so
(because 2.6.14 is working OK).

So what is the need for this symlink redirection?

> & reset the display for Gkrellm & might even find something else
> needs doing.

???? About the only thing my instances of GKrellm2 need "resetting" when
I boot to a different kernel is the assurance that lm_sensors, mbmon,
and hddtemp are correctly set-- and only lm_sensors *might* need a new
sensor-detect run (to confirm the kernel's modules)... but I'm not
completely certain that that has anything to do with the symlink.
GKrellm's uname display is, afaik, from uname, not related to any symlink.

> Some apps do depend on the version of the kernel you are using.

Yes, but that's the running kernel. Probably not anything to do with the
kernel source linked to /usr/src/linux.

> Maybe I'm not getting what you're not getting ... (smile)



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