Richard Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

(Including Richard in reply as well)
Nagatoro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [...]
>>    Assigning files to ebuilds... using existing
>>    /root/.revdep-rebuild.4_ebuilds.
>>       Evaluating package order... using existing

Nagatoro replied:

> ^^^using existing^^^ means that you are using the results from an
> older run of revdep-rebuild. First remove all .revdep* files and the
> run it again and see if you find the same errors.

Harry responds:

Ack, yes of course and it even warns you about that

However having removed them I still get a huge list of stuff listed as

One of the first involves the same mjpeg package that isn't even

    broken /usr/bin/cinelerra (requires

Full output of revdep-rebuild (minus all config make stuff [sorry
about control chars I forgot to use -nc but have removed some]):

Note it doesn't appear to say what pkg actually failed:

Evaluating package order... done.

All prepared. Starting rebuild..
emerge --oneshot  =dev-php/mod_php-4.4.0 =dev-php/php-4.4.0 
=media-libs/imlib-1.9.14-r3 =kde-base/kdegraphics-3.4.1-r1 
=media-gfx/imagemagick- =media-libs/libdv-0.102 
=media-video/avifile- =media-video/cinelerra-cvs-20050801 
=media-video/transcode-0.6.14-r2 =net-libs/libwww-5.4.0-r3

------8< [big snip] --------------------

you have the following choices:

- if emerge failed during the build, fix the problems and re-run revdep-rebuild
- use -X or --package-names as first argument (trys to rebuild package, not 
- set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~<your platform>" and/or /etc/portage/package.unmask
  (and remove /root/.revdep-rebuild.5_order to be evaluated again)
- modify the above emerge command and run it manually
- compile or unmerge unsatisfied packages manually, remove temporary files and
  try again (you can edit package/ebuild list first)

To remove temporary files, please run:
rm /root/.revdep-rebuild*.?_*

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