Alan E. Davis wrote:

> I have tried alot of approaches.  Wvdial is superior for detecting
> hardware: it found my modem on ttyS14, where other approaches hadn't
> found it. 
> What I cannot seem to do is set up for my family to dial in from their
> accounts.  I have tried changing permissions of various kinds, adding
> user to dialout, etc. 
> Alan Davis

Well, I use ppp and the comand pon and poff.  It works pretty well. 
emerge ppp and then config with pppconfig.  To connect, pon, to
disconnect, poff.  That would be as root, there should be a way to make
users do it though.  I'm not sure how.

Now wvdial, it dials out, then sits for a minute, then disconnects with
the error that my password is wrong, which is crap because it is
correct.  I only got wvdial to work once on another rig.  It has never
worked on this one though.  Anybody have a clue on that one?  I just
like to have options in case it pours instead of just a little shower.

My $.02 and a question as well.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


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