On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 11:59:27AM +0100, Tamas Sarga wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Postfix on my PC. Some of my programs send mails to me. For 
> example Cron and Smartd. Cron mails have subject, but smartd try to use 
> sendmail -s but sendmail says it is invalid argument. How can I send 
> mails with subject on CLI?

mail, from mail-client/mailx

>From my smartd.conf

/dev/hda -a -m root,wwong -s (S/../../5/02|L/../(02|17)/./06) -M exec /bin/mail
/dev/hdb -a -m root,wwong -s (S/../../5/04|L/../(05|22)/./06) -M exec /bin/mail

(02:14:53) DJP: i would be lol if my roommate weren't asleep...
(02:15:48) DJP: please don't let me stall your paper any longer
(02:16:08) DJP: thanks for everything
(02:16:11) W: no rpob
(02:16:23) DJP: you're a good friend
(02:16:31) W: here's a preemptive fuck you if I get lower than a B on my paper
(02:16:40) W: you include Dan and Emily
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