I emerged phpmyadmin 2.7 and when I go to the URL, it prompts for a
user/password. What exactly is this user/pw it's looking for? The one stored
in mysql.users? My actual account? Both in this case have no password set.

I've used this program for years, and I've just installed it from their
source tarballs. The ebuild seems to add this htaccess style protection (yet
I see no .htaccess file)

I have a VMWare that I use for webdev. I have no pw on root. (spare me the
warnings please, this isn't a mission critical "box", it's just a quick VM
to get LAMP/Rails stuff coded in without a lot of fuss).

I've tried from links2 on localhost (this VM has no X-windows/GUI). 
I also have tried via web browser on the host.

I put 'root' and '' but it doesn't accept it. This is all stock
phpmyadmin/mysql install thus far.

Strangely however, I have installed this ebuild on the host machine (ie. My
notebook) and that same user/pw combo does work (and yes, I have a pw on
root's account, but not the mysql root one) -- but that was installed with
an older phpmyadmin and upgraded over time.

"You had me at EHLO" --E.Webb (10.04.05) 

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