On Sat, 31 Dec 2005, Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:

On Saturday 31 December 2005 11:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I should add that I'm doing virtual domains by name, not ip address.

Also I see some references to the "vhosts" USE flag, which seems
related, but poorly documented. Any pointers on this?

Carefully read the man page for webapp-config (emerge webapp-config, but
you should already it installed). As far as I understand, the "vhost"
flag controls whether webapp-config should be automatically run or not
when a web application is emerged (ie, if "vhost" is set then
webapp-config is NOT automatically run and you have to run it yourself
manually to install the application into the proper virtualhost).

Thanks Etaoin,

I'll read the man page you describe. Thanks for the pointer.

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