On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 11:10:38 +0000, Tom Martin wrote:

> > To the portage developers, how could this be handled?  Perhaps emerge
> > could somehow figure out the reason for such a conflict, and then
> > automatically unmerge the original package?

> Not really a question to the portage developers -- just unmerge
> openmotif (the blocker) and continue as normal.

If would be nice is portage had a means for developers to handle these
types of conflicts in the ebuild. A similar thing happened recently with
xpdf/poppler, it happened with some FTP servers and the ftp-base package
not long ago. I realise it is not possible to handle all conflicts, but
with some instances, like this one, the conflict is expected. even if
there were just a means to print a message if a package hits a block,
something like

        ewarn "You must unmerge openmotif before proceeding"

Neil Bothwick

I am Tagline of Borg. Prepare to assimilate me.

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