Really, I should have thought more about the first e-mail (oops).
Thank you for all your comments!

Here is what the goal is (as of now):
- To have some kind of useful standard among the many distributions.
- To compensate those who need or want compensation for their hard
work.  (The laborer is worthy of his/her wages.)
- Community moderated, no controlling overhead like Microsoft.
- Whatever they release will be completely free software.  No strings.

"United" means we help each other develop and improve Linux
software--separately.  So no united.  That's optional for now.

How can people be interested?
- It is just a fund paid by the community for the community
- Overhead will be minimal, if anything.
- People are already interested in Linux, and they would like to donate
to a worthy cause. (Yes, this does mean that we would have to be worthy)

What's the point?
- Make Linux better
- Increase Linux users (Microsoft users might convert)
- Better the community
- Pay people who deserve it

Really, we could make Gentoo the official distribution of Saviour
Linux.  Personally, I think it is the best.

Mark Stewart

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