On Sun, 22 Jan 2006 14:04:53 +0100 (CET)
Álvaro Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, any one uses Wildcat Realizm?

No, but I did use a VP970 for awhile.  The problem you;ll
have is that Gentoo moves much faster than 3DLabs, and
much faster than Xig, which used to supply the Linux driver
for the older 3DLabs card (technically, the Xserver as well).

3DLabs, somewhat like ATI is more concerned with their WinXX
customers - the big OEMS, big dmedia customers, and others where
they can make the most of Marketing messages, and sell numerous cards.

Nvidia is like this as well, but internally, has a large base of Linux using
developers - not Linux specific developers, but devs that won't use other
operating systems.  Thus tended to get through the Linux ramp-up for drivers
really fast as it had a large self-interest.

So expect to have to stay on the same kernel/Xorg for a really long time.  Best
to switch over to just updating for GLSA issues and running a really stable
system.  And then when you do upgrade, expect to have to deal with the issue
again.  Most of 3DLabs' base will buy a set of systems and cards for a specific
project, and after the 3 yrs or so the project runs, move on to the next 
project, at
which time they will update the software and probably hardware as well.


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