On Thursday 26 January 2006 03:35 pm, Robert Persson wrote:
> Someone was kind enough to send me a script that calls /usr/bin/test. When 
> script didn't work I realised that test was behaving strangely. Basically it 
> doesn't seem to return anything.
> For instance "test -f /usr/bin/test" doesn't display any output.
> Nor does "test --help".
> Nor "test --version".
> The version I am using is from sys-apps/coreutils-5.2.1-r6 .
> It's very hard to do a google search for anything to do with troubleshooting 
> program called "test". Anyone know what is going on here?

try "info coreutils test".  Seems there may also be a "test" command built 
into the shell.  In addition, test itself doesn't seem like it prints out 
information, but simply exits with an error code of 0, 1, or 2.  It also said 
something about using an unmatched square bracket when trying to use the 
--help and --version options.

In general, it just looks kind of weird.

Eric Bliss
systems design and integration,
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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