On 2006-02-03 22:13 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Seeing that here too sometimes.  It seems that the app that used 
> the DRI doesn't fully release it, so that when X restarts it sees 
> the DRI as being occupied, and is unable to use it.  It looks like 
> a bug -- either in the app, X, or the radeon driver.

I don't think it's an application bug. I just made an experiment:
rebooted, logged in, ran ONLY glxinfo through grep (plus a few
applications that get launched through my X initialization file, none
of which make any use of OpenGL at all that I am aware of), logged
off, back on, and the same glxinfo again. Still, the second time
around I only get software rendering.

So if it is a bug, it's most likely not in any application that
utilizes OpenGL at least.
Michael Kjörling, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://michael.kjorling.com/
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