On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 07:54, Martin Ullrich wrote:
> I compiled coreutils 5.2.1-r7 with your CFLAGS and only the NLS
> USE-flag. Assuming you have gcc-3.4 installed it should work.
> http://members.chello.at/martin-ullrich/coreutils-5.2.1-r7.tbz2
> Just boot from a live-cd (e.g. the gentoo install-cd), and extract the
> file with "tar -xjpf coreutils-5.2.1-r7" (adjust the command to fit
> your needs).
> If it doesn't work, tell me/us.

Martin, thanks for that - but like Rumen's some/most of the coreutils  seem to 
require the libacl.so.1 and my acl's gone as well it seems (see my other 
post) and I can't emerge again becaue I'm missing coreutils.

Mmmm.  Moral of the story - never answer the phone in the middle of a critical 
update.  Won't happen again but I'm a bit stuffed meantime. 


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