On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 14:02 +0930, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> just for fun, I wrote this leedle script

I should have explained it a bit more - the script looks for a .comment
file, and matches the first word in that file.  Anything after this word
is a "comment" for the file.

so if you said ~/.bin/ls -al foobar

and the file .comment existed, containing:
foobar this is a comment

the output would be:
foobar this is a comment
-rw------- 1 iain users 4668 2006-01-03 17:32 foobar

You could then alias it, so instead of type ~/.bin/ls you could just
type ls.
Iain Buchanan <iain at netspace dot net dot au>

A friend in need is a pest indeed.

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