On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 17:49:07 +0100, Frédéric Grosshans wrote:

> > So do I, but I don't like GNOME
> > SCNR :)
> But apparently, you like GTK+ software enough to use it to write this
> Gnome-bashing answer ;) 

Good catch :)

> PS: I know GTK != Gnome. I suppose you use XFCE. 

I use KDE for the desktop, but whatever program best suits the task in
hand. I also use The GIMP, Gnucash, VMWare and Unison, and probably
several other GTK apps I can't think of right now.

I'd say it was impossible to limit yourself to only GTK or only QT
without severely limiting your software choices.

Neil Bothwick

User-friendly: (adj.) trivialized, slow, incapable, and boring.

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