Really large inline replies with five people and thirteen separate arguments are pretty much unreadable. I'm all for fighting things out to bitter end, but not when it's impossible to follow along. I'd recommend the following:

1. snip. snip a lot. Keep the point you're arguing and snip the rest. If someone can't follow then they should check the archives or use a threaded client.

2. Paragraphs and summaries are your friends. Here's an example.

"We agree on points a and b so I'll skip them for now. However you say x and y are the best choices for w reasons. I say sure x is fine, but only with z. And y by itself is right out because of i, j, and k."

Also you can work an insult in a little easier. Something like, "You're under the delusion that x and y are the best choices and then proceed to misunderstand w as some logic for your nonsense."

Now you've made the other guy sound like a complete knucklehead while showing that you do understand his so called logic while summing it up for the rest of us and follow it up with a your own argument which reads and flows nicely without having to parse thirty lines hidden in two hundred lines of quotes. :-)

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