Eric Bliss wrote:
> On Friday 17 February 2006 14:36, Rumen Yotov wrote:
>>Please don't take this post as a signal for more battles.
>>IMHO there are many true facts from both of you.
>>Just a few point, as i have some (limited experience with hardened
>>1.For 2-3 years using portage-tree in /var/portage, no problems so far,
>>all it takes is a symlink in /usr & change in /etc/make.conf file.
>>So i can mount all /usr as 'noexec'.
> Forgive me for asking, but how is this possible???  The last time I checked 
> (which was 2 minutes ago...), /usr is where almost all the executables on my 
> system are - /usr/bin, /usr/kde/3.x, /usr/libexec, /usr/sbin...

It is, therefore, logically not possible.
I believe, in all the mess that this thread has developed into, that
Rumen simply confused 'noexec' with 'ro'.  Shit happens... :-)
This must be the explanation for sure. Or else, if /usr can be mounted
noexec without trouble, I'll donate 7500000000 bogomips to the FSF.



The thread this derived from has to be the most lame discussion I have
witnessed in ages, and I've seen a few. First and foremost because
neither of you took the simple effort to run two trivial 'find' commands
to try and prove the other guy wrong.  It is a shame, because at first,
you both said some things that were 'insightful'[tm]...
Most people would try to strengthen their positions by coming up with
some proof, some good arguments, but that is SO totally absent here...
No proof, nor examples, nor whatsoever...  All you two did manage to say
was really just an endless loop of--

"Not wrong, right."
"No, you're wrong"
"I'm right, you are wrong"
"You are a thousand times wrong"
"No, it is you who are infinitely wrong"
"You are wrong infinitely plus one"
"I am right, have always been right, and you suck"
"No YOU suck"
"I may suck but that is because you know I'm right"
"You suck AND you are wrong"
"I do not suck. YOU suck!"
"Do NOT!"
"Do TOO!"
"No you suck. And you are wrong..."

Now what age-group type conversation does that remind you of...?
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