I already think Gentoo base system requirements are a bit heavy just having python in there. (I'm trying to run gentoo on my WRT54G 1.1; storage over nfs/nbd) It would be completely over-the-top to require Modula 3 support as well.

Just tried cvsup on a FreeBSD box (in vmware) and it totally sucked.
Took 1hr 20 min to update on a 512KB DSL.

Link wasn't even saturated! Might as well be on 56K connection. DL rate
max I've seen was 8KB/s

BSD ports system may not be as complex as Gentoo's
and needs more attention to maintain port dependencies
but this "abuse of make" IS REAL FAST.
I wish I could check all installed files against recorded md5 sums
as easily as I can do this in FreeBSD.
I took me 20 min to sync ports tree I didn't sync since December
and 7 min to sync system sources.
If you sync regularly it's usually within 5 min.
The good thing about cvsup is that it never fails
which is not the case with rsync.

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