On 2/28/06, Mike Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I seem to get that error regardless of what I'm playing.  I can play
> some files, like mp3s with the ao=alsa and that message will still
> appear, but it plays anyway.

Ok, theorizing time.  (ie., I have absolute no idea whether this is
right or not)

It sounds like this may be related to the sampling frequency of the
generated PCM.  If some application (like arts) is using /dev/dsp and
programming a specific rate (like 44100Hz), then when another
application (like mplayer) wants to generate PCM, it must program a
different rate (the wav file in your original message uses a 8000Hz
rate).  But the card cannot be changed to the 8kHz rate because the
original application is still "using" the OSS device.

If you play through arts, it handles the rate conversions for you, so
everything works.

You can test this by trying "mplayer -srate 44100 -ao arts file.wav". 
You can try different rates, or carefully examine the output of
mplayer with an mp3 to see what rate it is using there.

One last question: do you have a ~/.asoundrc file, and if so, what is in it?


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