WOW -- that looks great -- Thank you very very much

I will be trying it shortly


Timothy A. Holmes
IT Manager / Network Admin / Web Master / Computer Teacher
Medina Christian Academy
A Higher Standard...
Jeremiah 33:3
Jeremiah 29:11
Esther 4:14

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heiko Wundram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Port Tracer Program Needed
> Am Dienstag, 14. März 2006 18:08 schrieb Timothy A. Holmes:
> > Hans -- Thank you,  I realize that I can make it blink with network
> > traffic, the problem is that basically all the ports on the switches
> > have traffic running constantly on them, so I need to find a way to make
> > it distinctive enough so it can be picked out from the rest of the
> > noise.
> Save the following script as, and try it, you should be able
> to
> notice the traffic from your regular traffic:
> #!/bin/sh
> ifconfig $1 netmask broadcast
> while true
> do
>       ping -f -w $2 -b
>       sleep $2
> done
> ./ eth0 5
> would mean that it does five seconds of intensive traffic (which has
> packets
> going to the switch in the order of <20ms or so, depending on your laptop,
> and the lamp should blink very frequently), then does five seconds of data
> sleep, which should be almost completely quiet on the switch (except for
> that
> occasional broadcast packet from another computer directed at yours).
> Be sure to use a network that isn't on your local net for testing, as my
> network is 192.*, I've used 10.* in the example. If you use a network
> that's
> regularily used on your network, you might get problems discerning the
> sleep
> phase, as the arp address of your laptop propagates to all other endpoints
> on
> your net due to the use of a regular network, and this might mean a lot of
> ARP queries, depending on your network size.
> I've used a technique like this to check the cabling in a building, and it
> worked just fine.
> HTH!
> --
> --- Heiko.
> --
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